Tonight when I was putting Sam to bed, I told him that I loved him so much and he was special because he was my first born. We had an interesting conversation that followed.
"I was born?" Said Sam.
"Yes, you were the first one born, that is what first born means."
"I was in your tummy all alone for a long time. How did I get out of there?"
Ummm "Well, God took you out."
"Well how did I get out of your belly though? Did I climb out of your mouth?"
Ok, after I held it all in, wanting to burst out laughing, we had a nice discussion where I lied to him and told him that no, he did not climb out of my mouth he came out of my belly button. "but did I climb out myself?" NO!!! You didnt. God said it was time and he had the doctors take you out of me."
So that was that. I had no idea what to say! Maybe it would have helped if Id have gone to the 3 week bible study Im attending right now on teaching your kids about healthy sexuality. Except today I completly forgot we had that class today and I just skipped it. Go figure that the day I miss the class, Sam asks his first question about sexuality.
Maybe God is telling me something.
HA HA HA HA HA HA! Owen has asked me questions too but never come up with the mouth!! That's a good one.
Oh that Sam. Too funny! Of course, you'll probably want to readdress this sometime before he gets married ;)
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