We didnt go on a vacation this summer. We have made up for that by taking little weekend trips. we went up to the cabin for 4th of July weekend with our good friends the Werners. We had a great time. The kids are all old enough to play outside on their own a lot so that really made things relaxing for Carl and I. We spent a whole afternoon at Fossil Creek and that was amazing and fun.
A couple weeks ago, Carl's sister Audrey and I went up to Flagstaff with our kids to visit the Whitney Cunningham clan. We had a blast. The kids had fun with all their cousins and the adults got to eat lots of yummy food and drink yummy wine and just get in some good relaxing time. We didnt get up to many plans at all and that was fine with me.
Tomorrow, Im headed back up to the cabin with 2 of my bestest girlfriends and our kids. I cant wait. Its a mid-week adventure for 2 nights. We may hit up Fossil Creek or the Tonto Bridge. Hopefully since its mid-week, there will be hardly anyone but us around.
Ive really enjoyed the cabin this summer. I think when we went for the 4th of July, and I saw my kids playing and enjoying the same things I used to enjoy, I realized how much I love that place. Its barely changed since I was a kid. Its the only place that we can go that has been there my entire childhood. I will really miss that place someday when it gets sold. I wish I could buy it and keep it in the family where I think it belongs.